
引起 大学历史上规模最大的竞选活动

浩博体育app publicly launched its capital campaign 引起 during Homecoming-Reunion Weekend with the announcement that more than $140 million has already been committed toward its $160 million goal – the most ambitious fundraising effort in the university’s history.

大学校长 乔纳森•格林 在詹姆斯W. Garrett Sports Complex Field House at Saturday’s campaign kick-off event that also honored members of Susquehanna’s giving societies and leadership volunteers

“Susquehanna is poised to rise to a new level of leadership in higher education by fortifying support for our students, enhancing our campus and augmenting our resources for programmatic and 教师 development,格林说. “Our graduates are prepared to lead because they have learned how to observe, 分析, 明智地行动. For them, and for those who will follow, we must complete a campaign unprecedented in our history.”

这个活动, 哪个机构会支持学生奖学金, 资本改善和萨斯奎哈纳的捐赠, 自2012年初以来一直在私下里蓄势待发, raising nearly 88% of its goal despite challenges presented by the Covid pandemic that delayed the campaign’s public announcement. 1994年查尔斯B. 德根斯坦基金会,2017年 1000万美元 commitment in 2018 from the late Lucille Arthur, widow of Doug Arthur ’49, were notable early gifts. 委员会成员 校董会 have a 100% participation rate, committing over $30 million. President Green also announced a group of trustees and former trustees has issued a $5 million Endowment Challenge. If SU raises $5 million in gifts to the endowment in one year, from Oct. 2021年10月23日. 31, 2022, the trustee group will match that with their own donation of $5 million. This means that 1000万美元 can be added to the Susquehanna endowment providing even more 奖学金 support for SU students in perpetuity.

“超过13人的支持,Alumni向浩博体育app捐赠了5000美元, 教师, 工作人员, students and friends during the quiet phase of the campaign was so vital to our being able to announce such a significant total to date,Melissa Komora说, 浩博体育app晋升副总裁.

“We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming support our donors have shown the 引起 campaign to this point,68届的道恩·格里格和98届的马丁·品特说, members of Susquehanna’s 校董会 and co-chairs of the campaign committee. “Their contributions will lead to new opportunities at Susquehanna that otherwise wouldn’t be possible and will elevate every area of this university to ensure SU is known for the extraordinary education and experience that exist here.”


Susquehanna’s 163-year history as a private liberal arts institution anchors the campaign’s funding priorities.

“A liberal-arts education has always been about equipping students for success and fostering the soft skills and confidence to make a meaningful difference in their communities,格林说. “The generosity and vision of our donors will allow us to lift up the next generation of thoughtful innovators and compassionate leaders, 自建校以来Alumni的特点.”

萨斯奎哈纳提供了 奖学金 支持和/或援助99%的学生. 奖学金的礼物, whether for current use or as part of long-term endowment, make it possible for SU to offer educational opportunities to the best and most talented students regardless of financial circumstances.

该大学的 入学的房子, dedicated in 2017, provided the starting point for a new wave of campus enhancements. Recent updates and enhancements include the opening of the new the Rev. Dr. 路易斯维. Martin ' 90和Dr. 托马斯J. 马丁博士 静修中心 在丹维尔进行翻新和修复 艾萨克斯礼堂, a campus space with over 100 years of history in the lives of Susquehanna students. Gifts to brick-and-mortar projects improve Susquehanna’s ability to attract more students, 同时丰富在校学生的经验.

Susquehanna has already reached one of the key campaign goals by increasing its endowment to $206 million, providing a strong financial foundation while also providing long-term resources to directly benefit students.

“We are inspired by the increasingly generous support from our entire Susquehanna community and look forward, 在他们的支持下, to exceeding the goal by the campaign’s close in June 2023,小莫拉说。. “We are incredibly grateful for their commitment to Susquehanna – today and in the future.”